doby funeral home obituaries


Los abrazo y acaricio a la distancia, esperando que todas estas muestras de afecto los ayuden a sanar esta enorme herida, y con fe ciega en que el amor es el que triunfara por sobre todo tipo de maldad. No words to describe how sorry I am for you. Visitation will be held o Read James Kershaw's complete obituary here: Just by looking at pictures of your little love you can tell that he was just the kindest soul ever. Admiro su fortaleza como familia. 8 and great of 8 and my heart bleeds for your family. you are so amazing and have such a beautiful soul! Debemos luchar fuertemente para terminar con el bulling y comenzar a aceptarnos entre nosotros. Lamento profundamente la perdida de Drayke, pido a Dios para que le d fortaleza a la familia en este momento tan doloroso y difcil para ellos, deseo de todo corazn haya paz en su hogar sabiendo que tienen un ngel maravilloso en el cielo. May you all heal in God's time ! My deepest condolences and prayers to your family little one, give them all the strength they need to continue this life without you. estoy con ustedes de corazn, as lo tenga en mil pedazos, pues siento el dolor de madre y mis lgrimas valen la pena por tu hijo, Your boy is Guardian Angel ever! I hope things settle and bullying stops. Amn. Nunca podemos bajar la guardia ante tan horrible fenmeno como el bullying que atenta a pequeos y grandes. Se por lo que estn pasando. God be with you till you meet again with Drayke. Hope this event helps to visualize the big problem that means bullying. Onr cannot imagine the pain, devastation and hurt this family has to go through every day for the rest of their lives.. May they broken hearts heal.. I cannot tell you how sorry I am for the loss of your child. 1382 N Main St Ext, I really hate bullying, and seeing this had made me cry so many times.. how can anyone be so evil, i think someone is just to bad for this world - and that should not have taken your beautiful sons life away from him - and from your family! Que Dios cuide su alma y le de fortaleza a la familia. Mis oraciones con ustedes que Dios les d fuerza en sus corazones. , This story really hit me hard as a child growing up I was bullied until freshman year of high school it was tough, it affected me so much into my adult years and I promised myself that I would never let it happen to anyone else in the world family or not, no one deserves to get bullied. He had hope in his eyes. I came upon Drayke's story about an hour ago and I can't start to imagine the pain you guys are going through. Oro por su familia, que la justicia sea aprender y criar nios desde el amor y el acompaar. My heart hurts for your family. A big big star , lo siento tanto y prometo contarle a mi hijo para ensearle a entender el dao q un nio puede causar a otro en memoria de Drayke. I ask for peace for the dear boy, peace, comfort and strength for the whole family. I am so sorry that your son felt this was his only solution. Comparto con uds este terrible dolor y todo lo que podamos hacer para que el mundo recuerde porque muri Drayke y se esfuercen por querer cambiar y ser ms bondadosos sin dudas nos sumaremos!!!! I offer this peace to you as well. My whole family is praying for your family's healing. I wish your family all the best. Keeping you and your family in my prayers. Fly high with the angels . Love you guys from California. RIP little Drayke. Entre lgrimas an sigo sin entender cmo se puede destruir una vida. I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith: Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me Mr. James Randy Kershaw departed this life on Sunday, April 2, 2023 at FirstHealth Moore Regional in Pinehurst, North Carolina. or you can do what he would want:smile, open your eyes, love and go on. Justo hoy 16/02 mi hermano ha cumplido 25 aos y sigue siendo un chico de noble corazn . Didn't know you but with the kindness and lovely words that your parents describe you, tells me you were the sweetest boy ever. I wish for you your family, that God touches your heart and can strengthen you in the face of all this so strong. Rest in paradise Drayke. Envo desde este lado del mundo mucho amor para toda tu familia. Ma pesame a la familia de Drayke en este momemto de tanto dolor espero que el este en cielo haciendo lo que el mas gustaba de esta vida que era dar amor y cario un gran abrazo para ustedes y que DIOS les de el consuelo que nesecitan.desde CURICO, CHILE. I have seen your story from here in Canada of your little boy Drayke. I'm trying my best to spread kindness as you, so thank you for that. Drayke was a 12 year old boy that was loved by his family and friends. Siento mucho la injusticia que viviste, nadie merece algo as. Dios lo recoja en su divino manto y reciba con mucho amor PAZ EN SU TUMBA. Mis condolencias a la familia por la prdida de este angelito tan hermoso. Con mucho amor y respeto.. My deepest condolences, may the strength of God fill the lives of each of your relatives!!! your son looked and sounded like such a sweet person. SO sorry You havevto love this. Espero de todo corazn que dentro de todo esto encuentren paz y fuerza. Sending prayers to you and your family, stay strong now you have a beautiful angel watching over your family. Mi ms sentidas condolencias a toda la familia Hardman y amigos de Drayke Que triste noticia, como un nio tan pequeo tiene que sufrir en silencio por el hecho de que otra persona no supo entender que cada uno de nosotros venimos al mundo a ser y fluir como queramos , a ser libres con nuestras emociones , pensamientos y sentimientos . I am sending you all my love from one mother to another from one family to another, Mi ms sentido psame a la familia y pronta, Recuperacin, Dios lo tenga en su Reino, solo, Se adelant y cambio su estado fsico a espiritual, Siempre vivira en sus corazones y el nuestro, ahora. When I found out as a 17-year-old boy, I was moved and cried because I knew how horrible they were to lose the nearest person. I hope that your angel is on the better part and feel happinnes. Sorry for your lost, to all the family and friends, Drayke will be always remember for all over the world, you lost your boy, but heaven just win an angel. My condolences and prayers for peace at this most difficult and unimaginable time. There are no words and no do-overs, so I will just offer my prayers for you as you embark on learning to live with out Drayke being physically with you. He seemed like such a beautiful shining star it is so sad to see how little is being done when it comes to bullying.I truly hope more is done to prevent this from happening again.The individual should be held accountable. Y por favor, necesitamos ms humanidad, necesitamos mas solidaridad,menos odio en este mundo que solo estamos de paso. May the pain turn into beautiful memories. worst of all is that in a situation like this one does not know what to say. Ojal tambin haya un castigo para el chico que lo hostig por todos esos meses. WE WILL MISS YOU, BUT A NEW AND THE BRIGHTEST STAR WILL BE SHINING EVERY NIGHT LIGHTING OUR LIVES. her son will heal the world, No hay palabras que alivien el momento que estn pasando, mi ms sentido psame, I am incredibly sorry for you're loss i know how hard it is losing someone you love. Tengo un hijo con sus difilcutades el cual sufri mucho en colegio de mi zona! I wish Love love love, light light light and peace. The post i read about your son really had me at tears. ily, kisses from Argentina. Quiero expresarle que mis ojos no dejan de llorar por ese ngel yo tengo un hijo de 13 aos al igual que ustedes estudia 7 grade y siento tanto dolor pero estoy tratando de entender que ya no estar con su familia y me duele mi corazn. I cannot imagine the pain that the family will have at this time and the pain that you felt Drayke Precious Angel give strength to your family, friends and loved ones to find comfort in the midst of so much sadness. i'm so sorry, my soul is broken reading your story, I am so sorry for everything you had to go through, I pray that you rest in peace and find that calm that your heart needed, you left this world that is in a valley of pain, today you are at peace, I pray for your parents and your sisters so that they find comfort in the face of such a loss. Knowing your testimony makes me a better father for my children today. Claim this page . Your little man was beyond special. nobody deserves to go through such pain and agony. To the family, I want to say that I hope that you find strength and peace to cope with this difficult process. I don't know you but I realidad sorry for your loss, I have not children but I know you have suffered the biggest lost in your life's. Sending my sincere thoughts & prayers to you and your family. My heart and thoughts are with you and Drayke. Y esto no debera de estar pasando, que nuestros nios partan de este mundo tan pronto.. Papitos de Drayke, lo siento demasiado, me duele y me entristece mucho. Mis pesames y condolencias para la familia. No puedes tocarme, as como no se puede tocar el Amor Pero si puedes sentirlo. Oh, your beautiful boy! puedo expresar a traves de esta carta que su nio es un guerrero fuerte que ya termino su batalla, la gano y ahora descansa en paz en el cielo. Hopefully this tragic event will serve for all of us to unite our prayers. I am truly heartbroken with this story. Sending all my love from me to your family. I have found this post through the actress @jaimiealexander's IG page (Syf from the Marvel movies). May his life and legacy live on through youand us, the rest of the world who believes in the power of being kind <3. Siempre. Your son is in heaven ! Let us acknowledge the gift each one of us is. A boy who came to change the world and who is already doing it! No words from strangers can assuage the grief that envelopes you now! Te elevaste para brillar. Visitation will be held on Tuesday November 15 2022 from 100PM until 500PM at Doby Funeral Home. Kimberly Carthens departed this life on Tuesday April 25 2023 in the comfort of her home.She leaves to cherish her memories Her father G.B. No merecas pasar por todo ese sufrimiento, espero que todos aquellos nios que te hicieron dao y sus familias tomen consciencia de lo importante que es respetar al prjimo y las consecuencias que puede tener una palabra o una accin. My heart is shattered for your family. sending all my love to the family and friends xxxxx, When I came across this story my heart was broken. I pray for comfort and love during this time of grief and loss. - Falynn. I am filled with so much anger from this story. So sad, I have I little boy too. My thoughts are with you guys, always. Los abrazo con mucho cario , Mis ms sentidas condolencias un abrazo enorme para ustedes y que Dios lea de fuerzas, Dios lo tenga en su gloria. There are no words to help to understand all of this. My heart is crying for little Drayke and how unfaire is all this. I am writing you from Germany and saw your instagram account. My heart breaks for your family. All Rights Reserved. Que dificil, pero tambien trato de entender a las personas que deciden partir de este plano, no te quedes aca, tienes que volar y buscar la paz que no encontrabas aca. The gym is packed for every game. Un abrazo y estaremos orando por ustedes. Deseo desde lo profundo de mi corazn que encuentren el consuelo que necesitan! I would have given so much advice and tell him he's handsome, intelligent and how much of a kind soul he was.. Voy a orar por tu Alma para que descanse en paz y pueda reunirse nuevamente con tu familia cuando llegue el momento. Your LOVE is eternal cause you will see each other again.Till then hope you can get the force to face the life. De todo corazon le pedimos a Dios que les ayude con esta prueba tan dificil. You will long for the work of your hands. Todo el amor a la familia. I hope you find a little comfort in the words for all of us that y'all have touched. I'm so sorry for your loss! **The Baldwin Family request that all attendees wear mask for the funeral service that will be held at Cape Fear Conference B Headquarters.**. Rest easy sweet boy you'll be missed by all. Fly high and always know you are loved. May they find peace and comfort. No puede repetirse un hecho de esta naturaleza, se debe proteger a nuestos hijos desde las instituciones civiles para que esto no vuelva a sucederle a nadie. I'm so sorry for your loss, I cannot imagine the pain you are going through right now. Lo siento mucho de corazn nadie merece sentirse de esta manera, rezo por un mundo mas empatico y tolerable donde reine la paz el amor y la armona. , 28376 , United States. Drayke Andrew. My condolences to the family, no child in the world deserves to end up like Drayke, I hope that society begins to change for the better!

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