Niall belongs toHaplogroup R1b1c7(M222). Already a celebrity when he was alive, he became a legendary figure of the Wild West after his death. Bono, the vocalist for the Irish rock bandU2, belongs tomtDNA haplogroup V. Evolutionary tree ofhuman mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) haplogroups. Haplogroup H5 (mtDNA) In human mitochondrial genetics, Haplogroup H5 is a human mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) haplogroup descended from Haplogroup H (mtDNA). The remainder belong toHaplogroup R1a (Y-DNA)below, and so have been suggested to be of Slavic origin. The development of the Neolithic lifestyle in the Fertile Crescent was about to bring a wave of Near Eastern immigrants that would change dramatically the genetic landscape of Europe. Another Neolithic expansion started off from the Balkans, commencing in Thessaly circa 6500 BCE and spreading at first (6300-5800 BCE) to modern Albania, Macedonia, Bulgaria and Serbia. The DNA results also disproved a branch that was later added to the family book. An extended 17-marker haplotype was published in 2007,[57] and the company Family Tree DNA has also published results for other markers in its standard first 12-marker panel. As with Y-DNA (which traces the male line from father to son) and mtDNA (which traces the female line from mother to daughter . (8.5%)[citation needed], Mitochondria are key regulators of cell survival and death. calculated by Lusa Pereira, Martin Richards, Ana Goios, et al. R-Y46067 Y46613 * Y46601 * Y46569 +44 SNPs formed 3500 ybp, TMRCA 475 ybp info. Haplogroups can be determined from the remains of historical figures, or derived from genealogical DNA tests of people who trace their direct maternal or paternal ancestry to a noted historical figure. And at present it seems that only H5 indubitably came with early farmers from the Fertile Crescent. ", "Evidence for Sub-Haplogroup H5 of Mitochondrial DNA as a Risk Factor for Late Onset Alzheimer's Disease", "New Population and Phylogenetic Features of the Internal Variation within Mitochondrial DNA Macro-Haplogroup R0",, human mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) haplogroups,, Articles with unsourced statements from April 2020, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 31 May 2022, at 06:57. Distribution Subhaplogroup H1 encompasses an important fraction of Western European mtDNA, reaching its local peak among Basques (27.8%) and being also very important among other Iberians, North Africans and Sardinians. The Y-DNA sequence is as follows (12 markers):[77], Joseph Stalin, from a genetic test on his grandson (his son Vasily's son, Alexander Burdonsky) and his grand-nephew, is shown to be Y-DNA-wise ofG2a1. Results suggested that the 5th-century warlord known as "Niall of the Nine Hostages" (or a male ancestor) may be the male-line ancestor of one in 12 Irishmen. Its very recent spread corresponds with the rise to power of theQing dynasty. In the case of males, their mother's direct female lineage descendants are tested. [11][12], Empress Alexandra of Russia and her children, Olga, Tatiana, Maria, Anastasia, and Alexei were identified as belonging to mtDNA haplogroup H (16111T, 16357C, 263G, 315.1C). Jesse James's remains were compared against two maternal relatives and all were found to belong to mt-haplogroup T2. (assuming paternity matches the reported genealogy)[43]. [22][24], Mike Nicholsbelongs to Y-DNA haplogroupJ2a1b. Haplogroups are identified by a code (for example: "T", "H5a1", "E1b1a1a1") which simplifies genealogical tracing of these genetic mutations. The skeleton excavated from the Cheddar Gorge is in haplogroup U5a. [18], Leo Tolstoy, theRussianwriter, belonged toHaplogroup I1. It is fairly evenly distributed at low levels across Europe. Click on Preferences. Through clan genealogies, the genetic relation was mapped out. It can also be said that this result is German-specific, so Paul I was most likely the real son of his official father Peter III, and not the son of a lover, as was speculated. 3. Niall belongs to Haplogroup R1b1c7 (M222). However this risk is mitigated between subclades. The two French kings were separated by seven generations. Disclaimer [69][70], Fath Ali Shah Qajar (1772-1834), the second emperor/shah of the Qajar Dynasty of Persia belonged to haplogroup J1 with DYS388 = 13 as deducted from testing of descendants of several of his sons.[71]. [10] Over 100 Neolithic mtDNA samples from Central, Western and Northern Europe have been tested to date. Joy Ibsen's mtDNA was tested and belongs to mtDNA haplogroup J. [66]Testing of known descendants of Nurhaci would help confirm this finding. I did the geno 2.0 test. Distribution of mtDNA haplogroups H1 & H3 in Europe, North Africa and the Middle East. [7] So a later dissemination across Europe would appear more likely if the dating is correct. Niall established a dynasty of powerful chieftains who dominated the island for six centuries. [51] Given the sample size, however, this result cannot be regarded as conclusive and further testing of other documented descendants is necessary to help confirm or refute this finding. Staff from iGENEA examined images from news coverage of the above study, that purportedly showed data from Tutankhamun's Y-DNA profile. The first pottery produced in the Fertile Crescent appeared circa 6500 BCE. He is one of the Founding Fathers of the United States. The remains of the younger of the two women buried with theOseberg shipwas tested and discovered to have mtDNA of U7. Found among the Angles and Lombards. William Welles Hollister, a famous Californian rancher, belonged to Y-DNA haplogroup R1a1. Join Geni to explore your genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree. Some contemporary notable figures have made their test results public in the course of news programs about this topic. [28], Yuya was Tutankhamun's great grandfather. R-Z159 Z159 * Z350 * Z160 +2 SNPs formed 3900 ybp, TMRCA 3500 ybp info. Based on the observation of two HVR1 sequence differences, it was concluded that it is highly unlikely that the woman was the king's mother. More recently, however, it has been determined that the emergence of R-M222 predates Niall and may be more than 2,000 years old. Mathieson et al. [91], Dr. Mehmet Ozbelongs to Y-DNA haplogroupJ2a1b. in haplogroups H5a1, H13, J1c, J2, J2b, T, U1, U2b'c'd'e, U3, U4, U5a, K, W, W5, X1 and X3. However, in a 2020 publication, those same researchers confirmed that the y-haplogroup of Tutankhamun was, indeed, R1b. Birger Magnusson was the ancestor of a line of kings of both Sweden and Norway, starting with his sonValdemar Birgersson. Deep clades were also cut out. Family Tree DNA, the largest Y-chromosome testing organization for genealogy and ancestry purposes later announced that the interpretation of Hitlers ancestry given by certain media outlets, based on information released by Jean-Paul Mulders and historian Marc Vermeeren, is "highly questionable". According to Coskun et al. The instructions for displaying your results for the Administrators to see are: 1. Nurhaci, founding father of theQing Dynasty, may have belonged to Y-DNA haplogroupC3caccording to DNA tests of men from northeastern China and Mongolia which revealed a unique haplotype. Already living a (semi-)nomadic existence as cattle herders since the Neolithic (=> see R1b history), horse riding and bronze working provided PIE steppe people with the means to invade and conquer practically any part of the world they wished. The original researchers also stated they had not been consulted by iGENEA before it published the haplogroup information. The male lineage of the medieval Bure kinship from Sweden has been identified as Y-DNA haplogroup G2a, based on several BigY tests carried out in 2014 on people living today. It has long been known that mtDNA haplogroup H dominated the lines of Europe's aristocracies, while Y chromosomal R1b was the most common male lineage. Professor Michael Hammer of Family Tree DNA said that "scientific studies as well as records from our own database[,] make it clear that one cannot reach the kind of conclusion featured in the published articles." Many top level or major European or Middle Eastern haplogroups are also defined by additional mutations in MT-CYB, e.g. [33] In YFull's YTree a more detailed position is given for his Y-DNA under I-Y3120's subclades Y4460 > Y3106 > Y91535.[34]. Distribution of mtDNA haplogroup H5 in Europe, North Africa and the Middle East. In addition to the ubiquitous H5, these included H1, H2, H3, H7, H10, H11a, H16, H20 and H89. (2000) reported that men belonging to haplogroup H have the lowest risk of asthenozoospermia (reduced sperm motility). H1 is found throughout Europe, North Africa, the Levant, Anatolia, the Caucasus, and as far as Central Asia and Siberia. H1 is divided in 65 basal subclades. (2002) confirmed the role of 16362C in improved training responsiveness. [18], Richard III's mitochondrial haplotype was inferred from living descendants and then the identity of his remains confirmed through a multidisciplinary process including genetic analysis of both his mitochondrial and Y-DNA. Mulders commented: I never wrote that Hitler was a Jew, or that he had a Jewish grandfather. [93], Al Roker, United States broadcaster, belongs to Y-DNA haplogroupE, common amongAfricanpeoples. Because mtDNA is carried through the direct female line, some researchers have identified the haplotype of historic persons by testing descendants in their direct female line. The Cambridge Reference Sequence (CRS), the human mitochondrial sequence to which all other sequences are compared, belongs to haplogroup H. About one half of Europeans are of mt-DNA haplogroup H. Confirmation of this genetic profile requires testing of a known relative. Scroll down to the bottom and click the HVR1, HVR2 and CRS so a checkmark appears in the box. , and a sevenfold increase of the synonymous mutation at np 15833 which defines the H5a1 sub-haplogroup. Jean-Paul Mulders and Marc Vermeeren then pointed out that this haplogroup is common among Afroasiatic speakers. [6] Grard Lucotte,[7][circular reference] the controversial geneticist in charge of analyzing the hair material, also publicly claimed in France in 2005 to have "discovered" the DNA of Jesus Christ from the Argenteuil Tunic relic. [3][4][bettersourceneeded], Louis XVII was the younger son of King of France Louis XVI and Queen Marie Antoinette. (2006) estimate that H1 arose around 22,500 years ago. [95], Sign in|Recent Site Activity|Report Abuse|Print Page|Powered By Google Sites, French Kings from Henry IV to Louis XVI "Bourbon", Deduction by descendant testing ---------, Cao Cao, the Cao Wei State of Ancient China & the Takamuko Clan of Japan, Zachary Taylor, William McKinley and Woodrow Wilson, Dr. Mehmet Cengis Oz also known as Dr. Oz, Abalone shriveling syndrome-associated virus, Bandicoot papillomatosis carcinomatosis virus, Escherichia coli long-term evolution experiment, Helicos single molecule fluorescent sequencing, International Society for Computational Biology, International Society of Genetic Genealogy, List of Y-DNA single-nucleotide polymorphisms, Transcription activator-like effector nuclease, Transmission electron microscopy DNA sequencing, human mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) haplogroups, Journal of the American Medical Association, human Y-chromosome DNA (Y-DNA) haplogroups. All the rest are speculations of journalists who didn't even take the trouble to read my article, although I had it translated into English especially for this purpose. [17], In December 2012, a genetic study conducted by the same researchers who decoded King Tutankhamun's DNA predicted using an STR-predictor that Ramesses III, second pharaoh of the Twentieth Dynasty of Egypt and considered to be the last great New Kingdom regent to wield any substantial authority over Egypt, belonged to Y-DNA haplogroup E-M2, alternatively known as haplogroup E1b1a. (2014) analysed the mtDNA of 395 elite Polish athletes (213 endurance athletes and 182 power athletes) and 413 sedentary controls and found that haplogroup H is among the most overrepresented mtDNA types among endurance athletes at the Olympic/World Class level. [58] Combining these sources gives the consolidated 21-marker haplotype below. Other H subclades were also probably found among Mesolithic or Late Upper Paleolithic Europeans based on their exclusive presence in Europe today. H11a was identified in a Mesolithic hunter-gatherer from the Narva culture in Lithuania by Mittnik et al. Some contemporary notable figures have made their test results public in the course of news programs or documentaries about this topic; they may be included in this list too. Monitor in theBattle of Hampton Roads, first historical confrontation between iron made ships, as member of main lineage of Worden family, is supposed to belong to Y-DNA haplogroup J2b2. [73][74]Most living Princes of theRurik Dynastyor Rurikids also belong to this haplogroup, specifically those descending fromVladimir II Monomakh. [66] Somerled belongs to haplogroup R1a1. The highest risk is found in the defining mutation of haplogroup H5a (T4336C), which has been associated with late onset AD by Santoro et al. T16298C, 315.1C, 309.1C, A263G, and T72C. Jones et al. All Russian emperors from at least Nicholas I to Nicholas II "Holstein-Gottorp-Romanov". [64][65], Emperor Higashiyama (1675-1710) belonged to Y-DNA haplogroup D1a2a1a2 (D-IMS-JST055457/CTS107), which is a subclade of haplogroup D1a2a which is prominent among the Jmon people that make up about 30% of modern Japanese ancestry. H48: found in Ireland, England, France, Germany, Denmark, the Netherlands, Poland and Croatia, H49: found essentially in Germanic countries, but also in central Italy, the Czech Republic, Poland (Silesia), Russia (Samara) and Azerbaijan, H52: found in Britain and Russia (Karelia), H53: found in Ireland, Germany and Belarus, H56: found in Britain, Germany, Hungary, Romania and Ukraine, H58: found in England, Norway, Lithuania, Russia and Italy, H59: found in Britain and Ireland / found in Bronze Age Poland, H66: found in England / found in Bronze Age Poland, H72: found in Russia / found in Bell Beaker Germany, H76: found in the Czech Republic / found in Bronze Age Bulgaria, H76: found in Ireland, England, the Czech Republic and Tunisia, H80: found in England / found in Bronze Age Serbia, H89: found in the Neolithic Rssen culutre in Germany, H95a: found in Sweden and north-east Italy. The Jeffersons belong to Haplogroup T (M184) (formerly known as K2). This was determined with a test on an oral mucosa sample taken from his paternal descendants. have a baptism entry for her in Leiden 30 11 1667 - where the name is spelt HASTER, HASTERS, HARSTER - Doopboek Pieterskerk 1664-1681 Families HJ Engela 65831 Adriaan VAN ECK, * Amsterdam, Holland Based on genetic testing of a female-line descendant, her mtDNA haplogroup was H5a. Various matrilineal descendants of Empress Maria Theresa were tested and confirmed to belong to the same haplogroup (H with the mutations 152C, 194T and 263G, which most probably corresponds to the H3s subclade). tzi the Icemanhas been found to be Y-DNA haplogroupG2a2b. While it cannot be excluded that subclades like H7 or H20, which are more common in the Middle East than in Europe today, also came with Near Eastern farmers, the majority of H subclades are most likely native to Southern Europe, or in some cases Pontic Steppe and the Caucasus region (H2a1, H6, H8, H13, H15). The average in samples from Austria, Germany, Hungary, Macedonia In Europe estimated levels vary from a total absence in Volga-Uralic Finno-Ugrians to 8% in Slovaks and French. [75]Somerled belongs tohaplogroup R1a1. [3], In order to verify whether the body of a woman entombed nearSweyn II of Denmarkin Roskilde Cathedral is that of his mother Estrid, mtDNA from pulp of teeth from each of the two bodies was extracted and analysed. His maternal haplogroup is H.[5], The maternal haplogroup of Marie Antoinette is H.[5], A lock of hair kept at a reliquary at Saint-Maximin-la-Sainte-Baume basilica, France, which local tradition holds belonged to the biblical figure Mary Magdalene, was allegedly assigned to mitochondrial haplogroup K. Ancient DNA sequencing of a capillary bulb bore the K1a1b1a subclade according to the author Grard Lucotte, who concluded that she was likely of Pharisian maternal origin. [21][22][23][24] They share mtDNA haplogroup J1c2c. The results forY-DNAgenealogical DNA testsare either from the men themselves, or from men who have inferred paternal descent from historical figures. [15] It appears to occur fairly evenly across Europe at slightly lower levels than its parent. The sample was tested at two laboratories with the same results. The idea that this particular mutation has been passed down from my mother and her mother and all of my foremothers for more than 10,000 years is so wild (my maternal line is from Sicily as far back as I know.) A study by Baudouin et al. A distinct 'modal' result centers today on Mongolia. He was ranked by Forbes as the richest person in the world in 2008 and has consistently remained in the top 4 since the annual ranking started in 2000. [63]Combining these sources gives the consolidated 21-marker haplotype below. A few H subclades linked to the R1a populations of Northeast Europe would obviously have been found among Mesolithic Eastern Europeans, like H1b, H1c and H11. The Unetice culture, which is thought to mark the arrival of R1b in Central Europe (but overlapping with the previous R1a expansion), had individuals belonging to H2a1a3, H3, H4a1a1a2, H7h, H11a, H82a. Its age is between 5,000 and 8,100 years (Behar et al., 2012b). observed a frequency peak for H5a in the Franco-Cantabrian region decreasing towards East Europe and commented that "This is compatible with a process of demographic repopulation of Europe after the LGM period centered in this climatic and geographic refuge. [27], In order to verify whether the body of a woman entombed near Sweyn II of Denmark in Roskilde Cathedral is that of his mother Estrid, mtDNA from pulp of teeth from each of the two bodies was extracted and analysed. [63], Y Haplogroup C3b2b1* (C-M401*, (xF5483) has been identified as a possible marker of the Aisin Gioro (who were founders of the Qing dynasty) and is found in ten different ethnic minorities in northern China, but completely absent from Han Chinese. . The team that analysed the Eighteenth Dynasty mummies disputed a claim later made by the personal genomics company iGENEA regarding Tutankhamun's Y-DNA profile. [56]According to Ronny Decorte, genetics expert at Katholieke Universiteit Leuven who sampled Hitler's current patrilineal living relatives, Hitler "would not have been happy" as the research could be interpreted to show that his own origins were neither "pure" nor "Aryan". U. Roostalu et al, Origin and expansion of haplogroup H, the dominant human mitochondrial DNA lineage in West Eurasia: the Near Eastern and Caucasian perspective. The presence of H1 was confirmed in remains from the Late Neolithic Funnel Beaker culture in Scandinavia, which can also be classified as a Megalithic culture. The paternalgenomeof her father's line is HaplogroupR1b(Y-DNA). Go to your personal webpage. [5] However samples of mtDNA with T16304C in the HVR1 region have been found in four individuals of around 6800 BC from the Pre-Pottery Neolithic B site of Tell Halula, Syria,[6] suggesting that H5 may have arrived in the Caucasus with farmers from the Near East. [18], Nick Donofriobelongs to Y-DNA haplogroupJ2.[85]. [38]The actual term used was G2a4, but the presumed L91 mutation has since been given a new category, G2a2b. Geni requires JavaScript! The oldest incontrovertible evidence of the presence of H1 and H3 in Europe comes from the 5,000-year-old site of Treilles in Languedoc, France. Actually H6 was the only H samples identified so far in the Andronovo culture in Central Asia. In human mitochondrial genetics, Haplogroup H is a human mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) haplogroup . The frequency of haplogroup H in Europe usually ranges between 40% and 50%. In other words, these mutations are so unique that they could only come from other cells with the same mutations. However, King et al. The Takamuko clan is most famous forTakamuko no Kuromaro. It is therefore detectable in the DNA of an individual and may be different from one population to another, or even from one individual to another. This is a list of haplogroups of historic people. Haplogroup H5 is also found throughout western Eurasia and North Africa, but has a more Central European focus. (2010) recovered the DNA of Napoleon Bonaparte from beard hair follicules and compared it to that of his mother, Letizia, and his younger sister Caroline. (2015) sequenced 44 mitochondrial DNA profiles from Starevo culture in Hungary and Croatia, and only three belonged to H (one H5 and two unclear subclades). From 5500 to 4500 BCE, the Linear Pottery culture (LBK) spread along the Danube from northern Serbia to Germany and all the way to the Netherlands and Poland. Emanuel Swedenborg (16881772), the 18th century scientist and mystic from Sweden likely belonged to the haplogroup I1-BY229,[68] a haplogroup with a common ancestor about 1500 years ago who lived somewhere in central Scandinavia.[69]. R-Z159*. [42], United States presidentsJohn Adamsand his sonJohn Quincy Adamsbelonged to Y-DNA haplogroupR1b. Genealogies show that Charles II of England had the same matrilineal ancestress as Queen Victoria, namely Anne of Bohemia and Hungary. Birger Magnusson was the ancestor of a line of kings of both Sweden and Norway, starting with his son, Valdemar, King of Sweden. (2004) compared that mtDNA to the relic of Grand Duchess Elisabeth, sister of Empress Alexandra, and found that the sequences did not match and that the HVRI mutations were actually 16129A and 16327T, which would also correspond to haplogroup H, but a different subclade, which cannot be determined without a full sequence test. H15: found in Scotland, Germany, Poland, Austria, northern Italy, Central Asia (Turkmenistan), Iran and northern India. [50], A 2019 study proposed that the Y lineage of Jochi (Genghis Khan's eldest son) may have been haplogroup C2b1a1b1 (C2), which they identify as a new potential candidate for Genghis Khan's true Y-DNA lineage.[46]. Chinese warlordCao Cao, who was posthumously titled Emperor Wu of the state ofCao Wei, apparently belonged to Y-DNA haplogroupO2according to DNA tests of some documented descendants. Please enable JavaScript in your browser's settings to use this part of Geni. In human genetics, the haplogroups most commonly studied are: - The patrilineal line haplogroup (Y-chromosome), passed from father to son (women don't have it) ; - The matrilineal line haplogroup . (2009) tested the Y-chromosomal DNA and mitochondrial DNA of the exhumed remains of the Renaissance astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus. DNA purported to be from Genghis Khan does not have the benefit of near and easily documented lineages. Other famous members of haplogroup H. Luke the Evangelist (H2a2b) : . Megalithic people would have belonged essentially to Y-haplogroups I2, G2a and E1b1b, with the possible addition of J2 lineages during the Chalcolithic. [45], He was the first Vice President and second President of the U.S. His Y-DNA Haplogroup was R1b1. H47: found in the Britain, Ireland, the Czech Republic, Italy, Romania, Ukraine, Russia and Armenia. lvarez-Iglesias et al. Extended 25 Marker Y-DNA modal based on Mongolians matching the abovemodal haplotypein theSorenson Molecular Genealogy Foundationdatabase,[52]which also corresponds to the modal assigned to Genghis Khan released by Family Tree DNA: Gia Long, who was the first emperor of theNguyn Dynastyof Vietnam as founded by the Nguyen-Phuoc family, may have belonged to Y-DNA haplogroupO2aaccording to the DNA test of one documented descendant (if paternity matches genealogy). A history of the lineage of Irish kings that was compiled by Irish monks, known as "the Annals of the Four Masters" lists "Conn of the Hundred Battles" among the ancestors of Niall. Haplogroup H possesses approximately 90 basal subclades identified to date, most of which further subdivided in other subclades. 1946) was found to belong to haplogroup H3 by the personal genomics company 23andMe. He is known for hit songs such as "Come Monday", "Cheeseburger in Paradise" and "Margaritaville". [35], Chinese warlord Cao Cao, who was posthumously titled Emperor Wu of the state of Cao Wei, belonged to Y-DNA Haplotype O2-M268 according to DNA tests of some documented present-day descendants with lineage records.
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